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Horse(wo)manship Training Sessions 
Colt Starting and Troubleshooting

Vicki Rose has been been teaching riding lessons and training horses since 1989.  She loves teaching riders of all levels safe and proper horsemanship whether in the arena or out on the trail.  Vicki is most passionate about starting colts and restarting horses with proper groundwork, using the methods of Ray Hunt and Buck Brannaman.  She believes that groundwork lays the foundation for all successful riding, and she includes it in all of her sessions and lessons.  Whether you have an interest to go on a relaxed, stress free trail ride, learn how to canter, or even jump small jumps, Vicki can help you get there!  


Would you like your horse to be more reliable when you ride?  Is he flighty and spooky, or dull and heavy?  Are you having trouble with canter transitions?  Has it gotten to the point where you don’t look forward to riding?  Or maybe you’re looking to refine your own skills so you can have a better partnership with your horse.  Vicki can help!  She grew up riding western out in the country, has been training jumpers for 35 years, and has been starting colts for over a decade.  Maybe you have a trail horse and you’re having issues with crossing water or riding out alone…Vicki can help!  Maybe you have a jumper and he has been refusing jumps or missing lead changes…Vicki can help!  Maybe you have a young horse that you want to put a good foundation on or an older horse that could use a fitness tune up…Vicki can help!


Single sessions are $85/hour.  Weekly packages of 3 lessons are $225.  

Full Training of 5 days/week is $1200 per month.  Half Training of 3 days/week is $800 per month. 


Vicki puts the horse first and conducts these sessions at the beautiful Chaparosa Ranch in North Scottsdale.  The large ranch boasts all the necessary amenities to give your horse what it needs-a large covered and outdoor arena, a 60 foot round pen, ample turnouts, a Eurociser, and direct access to the Tonto National Forest for the trail training.

Lessons cover all things horse, as Vicki is passionate about teaching horsemanship.  We'll do groundwork sometimes with several horses, and you'll learn how to get the horses ready with and without crossties, doing groundwork and practicing mindfulness while doing all the necessary tasks.  Vicki will either be on her horse or doing groundwork with it by your side, showing you the exercises and then giving you your own time and space to explore and practice.  We will often switch horses so I can demonstrate things.   We might take a break and watch one of Bucks's videos or read and discuss a blog post from a respected horseman.  No matter what we do, we'll do it in a way that puts the horses first and keeps us learning!

Horse(wo)manship Sessions

In this non-riding program, Vicki teaches women how to connect to their authentic selves and navigate life’s challenges through the help of a horse.  I teach you how you can find JOY by watching the simplicity of a horse's life and emulating them.  We learn to be present by watching them be present.  Horses brains are different than ours-they have no Prefrontal Lobe, so they cannot worry about the future and they do not ruminate on the past.  They are 100% in the present moment, 100% of the time.  In one of my student's words "You mean they don't have a PLANNER?!?"  And in their herds, horses naturally move through their days by skillfully navigating various relationship challenges. They have evolved to survive in the wild by refining their relational skills, all while staying 100% in the present moment.  Wow!  If only I could be like that!!

To become a horsewoman is to become a part of their herd.  The horse that does not successfully navigate these skills is at risk because its successful collaboration with the herd assures its survival.  And the opposite is true as well-the overall success of the herd depends upon each member's ability to refine these skills.  So we learn from them that we have a RESPONSIBILITY to be our own authentic, present selves.  Only in this way can we be of maximum service and help to our families, friends, and coworkers.    Horses can be our greatest teachers for navigating the trials and tribulations of life!
Through our exercises with the horses, we'll explore certain themes which arise in our lives and oftentimes can:
   •    Create difficulties in our relationships with others
   •    Inhibit our ability to achieve our goals and dreams
   •    Hamper our ability to be our true authentic selves
Vicki's Horse(wo)manship Experiences will teach you how to:

Become More Mindful and Present

Access the Power of Detached Observation
Communicate Clearly
Learn How To Collaborate with Others
Know When to Lead and When to Follow 
Match Your Body Language to Your Feelings and Intention
Set Boundaries and Command Respect of Personal Space
Have Confidence Which Will Give You a Feeling of Safety
Trust Yourself 

Feel and Express Joy
Navigate Transitions with Good Timing

Learn How to Let Go When Appropriate
Advocate and Speak Up For Yourself and Others
Listen To Others Better
Set Goals and Regroup After Setbacks
Use Energy and Life Force To Your Benefit
Set Clear Boundaries Between Worktime and Playtime
Understand and Transcend the Predator/Prey Dynamic 
Work With Distractions

By observing the horse, working with them in the round pen, journaling, and practicing short guided meditations, Horse(wo)manship participants learn that horses can be the greatest teachers for the lessons of our lives. In the Horse(wo)manship work, we learn about and actually practice working through the challenging themes in our lives that keep us from living a life of lightness, freedom, and full ownership of our own authentic selves. 

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