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Equine Experiences with Monica Clark and Vicki Rose

Vicki and Monica offer day long and weekend Equine Experiences. Using Meditation, Yoga, Art, and Horse(wo)manship sessions we explore the things that have been holding us back from living the lives we truly want to live.  Supported by good food and compassionate leaders, participants receive the gift of a day of self care, rejuvenation, and respite from their otherwise busy lives.

Horses are MASTERS of present moment awareness and of letting go because throughout history, their survival in the wild has depended on it.  Every minute of every day, horses are fully immersed ONLY in the present moment.  They do not worry about the future or ruminate on the past.  When a potential threat appears, they become alert and assess the situation in the moment.  Once they determine that there is no threat, the horse puts his head down and goes back to grazing. This  'going back to grazing' is something that we humans can learn so much from.  The horse does not worry about the fact that there COULD have been a threat, and he does not live in fear of the next one.  He trusts that he will be able to meet whatever challenges come his way, and he does not let potential future hardships ruin his grazing.  If a horse lived in the constant state of vigilance that so many of us do nearly every day, he would never get the rest or the nutrition he needs to survive.  In these workshops we learned to let the horses teach us how to be present and live fully once again.

Participant Testimonials
  • "I feel 20 years younger!"

  • "The whole experience was incredible!  What a wonderful day!"

  • "You guys balanced authority with levity really well...I felt really safe and loved"

  • "Great retreat!  Very moving and inspirational"

  • "Thank you to an amazing team of really facilitated an incredibly open and loving environment to breathe deep and let go"


Horse(wo)manship Experience Weekends 

This transformative weekend is geared toward anyone who feels called to connect with horses, whether you have experience riding or not. We’ll explore how horses perceive pressure and then so easily process it and release it. Horses are prey animals and naturally know how to release stress when they feel pressure~their survival depends on it!  They are masters of present moment awareness and naturally know how to ‘let go’.  They will be our guides and teach us how to down-regulate our own nervous systems!


Currently most of us are putting a band-aid on our anxiety with pharmaceuticals, substances, antacids, sleep aids...the list goes on and on. Learn how to treat the causes of your anxiety the natural way with breath and presence. Deepen your relationship with yourself, others, and if you have one, your horse.  And, we will nurture and support you with yoga, mindfulness, energetic centering, connection, and wonderful food!


9-10  Introductions~Weekend Overview~Intention Setting

10:15-12  In Arena: Guided Meditation~Prey/Predator Dynamic

Learn Calming Signals in Equine Body Language

12-1:30  Lunch~Journaling~ Silent Walk in the Redwoods~Art

1:30-3:30 In Arena:  Observe How Horses ‘Down Regulate’

Their Nervous System~Practice Conscious Breathing,

Physical Grounding, and Down Regulation

3:30-4:45  Journaling~Walk in Redwoods-Art

4:45-5:30  Gentle Guided Yoga in the Arena with the Horses

5:45-7  Dinner Followed by Closing Circle Around the Fire Pit



9-10  Check In~Thoughts & Feelings About Yesterday~Intentions

10-12  In Arena: Guided Meditation~Approach/Retreat~

Catch/Groom/Work Around Horse with Learned Material

12:15-1:30  Lunch~Journaling~ Redwood Walk~Art~Yoga

1:30-3  In Arena: Groundwork Exercises with Horses on

Lead & At Liberty to Further Integrate & Enjoy New Potential

3-4:00  Closing Circle

Monica Clark is a Yoga Teacher, Life/Wellness/Spiritual Coach, Equine Assisted Learning Specialist, and Reiki Practitioner. Vicki Rose is a lifelong horsewoman and has been a horse trainer/riding instructor for 35 years.  She has received certifications in the programs of EAGALA, Equine Alchemy, The W(i)nners Circle, and Creative Awakenings International. 

Horse Shows with Rancho Paraiso/BDJ Enterprises

Vicki has the pleasure of working for 1988 Olympic Silver Medalist Lisa Jacquin at Rancho Paraiso.  The barn travels to several hunter/jumper shows per year.  Below is our 2024 show schedule:

Aug 21-Sep 1 ShowPark Del Mar, CA

October 14-20  Temecula Valley National, CA

November 11-16 USHJA Zone Finals Las Vegas, NV

November 20-24 Westworld Scottsdale

December 4-15  Desert Holiday Thermal, CA

January 8-26 Desert Circuit 1-3 Thermal, CA

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